Escrito pela minha Irmã Maria Graciete, para a Revista Sewing Hip, MAIO 2011.
Little things make the difference; who dare say the contrary?
As a fanatic craftsperson, I decided to help my sister Joselia Sequeira, who
suffers from MND ( Motor Neurone Disease), to raise money for a charity
which helps needy children in Nampula, northern Mozambique.
Being connected to a ventilator, she realises that every moment is precious
and she fulfils her wishes as best she can. Together with some of her
carers, she organises charity events, and the most recent fete in Curry
Cabral Hospital, in Lisbon, Portugal, where she has made her "home" for the
last nine years, was a total success.
Using all my little scraps of fabric and trimmings - a craftsperson never
throws away anything - I made forty eight small drawstring bags, and
embarked on my sales while I was in Lisbon.
Nurses, family and friends fell instantly in love with the tiny bags, and
within three days they were all snapped up as fast as hot cakes. The bags
sold at 4 euros each, which meant that almost 200 euros were fed into the
piggy bank which Joselia keeps by her bedside table.
The amount raised was more than enough to feed, educate and provide comforts
for a child, for at least a year.
The charity is the "Meninos de Nampula" and it is run by a group of tireless
nuns in Mozambique and Portugal -
Joselia sponsors one of the children and strives to ensure that all funds
reach their destination.
I returned to the UK determined to continue this project. We shall
certainly repeat the same initiative in the near future and, by using all my
bits and bobs, not only am I recycling but
helping someone, somewhere, to enjoy their rightful place in society.
I am "sew" happy that I have put to good use those small patches of fabric
that so many people would consider useless. Where there is a will, there is
a way.

Escrito pela minha Irmã Maria Graciete, para a Revista Sewing Hip, MAIO 2011.
Little things make the difference; who dare say the contrary?
As a fanatic craftsperson, I decided to help my sister Joselia Sequeira, who
suffers from MND ( Motor Neurone Disease), to raise money for a charity
which helps needy children in Nampula, northern Mozambique.
Being connected to a ventilator, she realises that every moment is precious
and she fulfils her wishes as best she can. Together with some of her
carers, she organises charity events, and the most recent fete in Curry
Cabral Hospital, in Lisbon, Portugal, where she has made her "home" for the
last nine years, was a total success.
Using all my little scraps of fabric and trimmings - a craftsperson never
throws away anything - I made forty eight small drawstring bags, and
embarked on my sales while I was in Lisbon.
Nurses, family and friends fell instantly in love with the tiny bags, and
within three days they were all snapped up as fast as hot cakes. The bags
sold at 4 euros each, which meant that almost 200 euros were fed into the
piggy bank which Joselia keeps by her bedside table.
The amount raised was more than enough to feed, educate and provide comforts
for a child, for at least a year.
The charity is the "Meninos de Nampula" and it is run by a group of tireless
nuns in Mozambique and Portugal -
Joselia sponsors one of the children and strives to ensure that all funds
reach their destination.
I returned to the UK determined to continue this project. We shall
certainly repeat the same initiative in the near future and, by using all my
bits and bobs, not only am I recycling but
helping someone, somewhere, to enjoy their rightful place in society.
I am "sew" happy that I have put to good use those small patches of fabric
that so many people would consider useless. Where there is a will, there is
a way.

At June 25, 2012 3:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
Minha Querida DªJosélia, o que dizer?! gostava de ter noticias suas. Mais uma pessoa ligada ao mundo da industria hoteleira acaba de ser diagnosticado com a mesma doença da Dª Josélia, e tal como a DªJosélia, deu a cara numa reportagem de um canal televisivo para que outras pessoas com diagnósticos igualmente complicados possam ter a assistência devida. Queria deixar aqui uma palavra de carinho para si. Tenho muitas saudades suas. Um forte abraço e muito carinho da sua secretária Algarvia!!! Angela Lagoas Viegas
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